Legend: A Feast for Crows, A Dance with Dragons
Prepare for an evening in Oldtown and the grand commencement of A Feast With Dragons. It begins here.
Salt and sun fill these next two courses into A Feast With Dragons. Prince Doran and the Sand Snakes are moving South and East, while along the spray of sea a Prophet sees.
Lions of Lannister meet life after the murder of noble Lord Tywin. The next great rush for power begins!
Brienne meets the road to Duskendale, Nestor Royce ascends on The Eryie. The feast continues!
Back, to go forward. Into Feast we move, joining two Stark siblings in their latest and perilous futures.
Jaime and Cersei Lannister attend to their late father Tywin under the gaze of nobility, the King, and the Gods.
Samwell and Jon navigate the post-Wildling Stannis-filled order at Castle Black. Two chapters, two books, one fateful day on the Wall.
Brienne reaches Duskendale and paints her shield. Ilyrio and Tyrion part ways, moving further into the Eastern future.
Asha ports and visits a charming reader. In King's Landing, Cersei celebrates Tommen's wedding in glorious fashion.
Venture again with us into the actual Kingdom of Dorne. Brienne and her newly minted squire reach Maidenpool and the man in charge.
King Stannis and the Queen's men seek the audience of Lord Snow, defender of grain and Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. In a boat slopping eastward high and low born souls face the autumn storms.
Game of Owns 2016 Holiday Special. Jaime and Tyrion Lannister guide our combined reading into anger and terror while the song of ice and fire mercilessly plays onward.
Cersei Lannister greets her new Small Council and sets off to work. Contenders of the Seastone Chair gather on Old Wyk to gamble with destiny.
The podcast is joined by A Feast With Dragons co-creator Jeff aka BryndenBfish for a headlong dive into Greyjoy destiny and the showdown in White Harbor.
Special guest and ASOIAF fandom favorite PoorQuentyn visits the podcast to hatch a plot, meet Darkstar, visit the Whispers, and exact revenge.
Arya, Alayne, and a dimly lit feast welcome the podcast's first 2017 listener call-in special.
Tommen, Loras, Margaery and friends play happily in a courtyard. They've been seen by the Queen. But in the North there is only Reek.
Two Dornish chapters, separated by theories, years, and books. Two Dornish siblings, separated by their father's noble work. Arianne and Quentyn Martell are here!
Brienne and company leave the Whispers for Randyll Tarly, but not empty handed. In Meereen, Daenerys considers her options.
A lost lord of Westeros begins his true quest home. A pious man greets the Queen Regent in his new house of faith.
Men of the west fly close and closer to the Sun in their complicated quest for the Dragon Queen.
Wyman Manderly and Jaime Lannister treat with dead men. The North remembers.
Dark sisters chapters fall in line, Brienne and Cersei commit to their arcs in Feast.
Sam, Gilly, and the Cinnamon Wind find the coast of Dorne. Melisandre works her magic at Castle Black, from her perspective.
ASOIAF luminary LiesandArbor arrives to represent House Dayne and discuss Brandon Stark's final published chapter.
Brothers Lannister return for travel, truth and measurable comforts among familiar yet foreign parties.
Lady Gwynhyfvar of Radio Westeros joins the podcast in a walk through the fluxlands of King's Landing and Meereen.
Brynden BFish joins the podcast. Jaime and Brienne are tested by the old gods and the new.
Winter is coming for Alayne Stone and Jon Snow.
Tyrion and the Pretty Pig are tested. Cersei experiments with the truth.
Brienne is judged by Lady Stoneheart. The end is near.
The cards fall for Cersei and Jaime Lannister.
Lady Gwyn and Yolkboy of Radio Westeros join the show to discuss magic, conspiracies, and Sam’s final FEAST chapter.